#Update 28 The site is up for sale again!

The St Christopher’s School site is up for sale again!


It’s been awfully quiet for a long time but SCAN has been notified that the former St Christopher’s School site is being sold on the open market.


You may remember the current owners failed in their bid to build a luxury retirement home when the plans were unanimously thrown out by councillors in August 2023. The decision was not appealed and it’s been a waiting game ever since.


So what happens now?


There are a few options - and we are trying to find out more information about who might be interested in the site.


One big difference is the site now has Asset of Community (ACV) status due to its history of special needs education. This offers a number of protections, not least within the planning process – and crucially means it can give time and space for eligible community interest groups to bid for the land, should they wish.


We will be considering what opportunities there might be for us to be involved so that we can put the community at the centre of whatever happens next. This is a fantastic site and should be brought back to life again so it can benefit everyone.


What do I need to do?


Nothing right now – enjoy a wonderful Christmas and we will hopefully be in touch with more information in the New Year.


Rest assured though, SCAN is still committed to ensuring the best possible outcome for the site with the same principles as before – benefitting the city of Bristol while protecting our community.


Thank you for your support.


#Update 27 Site gets official legal protection