Update #10

Last few days to have your say

Act now before it's too late!

You have only a few more days to make a comment to the council about the unacceptable plans for St. Christopher's.

Every comment counts  - and numbers really do matter. 

So, if you haven't done it yet - please spare a few minutes to protect your community from massive overdevelopment, potential parking chaos and tree & wildlife loss.

Tell the council what you think.

Click here to go straight through to the council website.

Keep it short -  and stick to planning issues.

Here are some things you can consider, taken from SCAN's objection by our planning consultant:

  1. Damage to Heritage: The proposals amount to severe overdevelopment in a conservation area. The proposed scale, mass and bulk are inappropriate within the sensitive heritage context of Westbury Park and the listed Grace House, and the scheme will give rise to unacceptable impacts on the townscape.

  2. Damage to the Environment: There will be too many trees lost and a detrimental impact on nature & wildlife, losing high quality specimens that make a valued contribution to the character and appearance of the Conservation Area.

  3. Road Safety, Traffic & Parking: The proposal is not appropriate in transport and highway terms, owing to insufficient on-site parking provision and inappropriate access/egress arrangements, which will increase the road safety risks in an area where this is already a significant concern. 

  4. Lack of Affordable Housing: The proposal includes no affordable housing and is not supported by any evidence to justify such lack of provision.

  5. Loss of SEND provision: In the context of an increasing need for SEND accommodation in Bristol, the developers have failed to comply with council policies that seek to safeguard community facilities. 

Let’s send a strong message to the council about these inappropriate and insensitive plans for our community. Thank you to everyone who has already taken the time to write in.

We are heading for 500 comments which is AMAZING.

Can we get to 500? Only if YOU act now. 

Helpful things to remember:

  • When you go online, there’s a time limit for writing your submission on the form, so we recommend writing it in your own document first, then copy  and paste. 

  • You can tick either  ‘Object’ ‘Support’ or ‘Neutral’. 

  • Every comment counts - you do not need to make your comment very long or complex but make it clear what you think. Even a few sentences are better than nothing!

  • The more personal you can make your comments, the better. Please include your own examples and experiences where appropriate.

  • Please note the Council will consider comments on the following planning issues: loss of light or privacy, overshadowing of neighbouring buildings, highway safety, traffic and parking issues, noise, amenity (this means the quality or character of an area and elements that contribute to the overall enjoyment), wildlife, historic buildings, conservation, design and appearance. 

  • The Council cannot consider other issues such as: loss of views, effect on property values, privacy rights, and construction noise.

  • The application number is:  22/01221/F


Let's Protect Westbury Park!


Update #11


Update #9